Frequently Asked Questions.
1. Will Item be shipped by PSS or Directly from Vendor?
Answer: All Items will be shipped directly from Vendor. PSS has no
responsibility for any items shipped.
2. Is Shipping Free?
Answer: It is the Vendors Choice to allow free shipping of any product
sold. PSS is only a Marketplace allowing vendors to showcase their
3.How do I contact the seller?
Answer: PSS will provide a link to all vendors seen in showcase on website.
4. Where can I return items sold on PSS?
Answer: If items are eligible for return, All returns are handled directly with the vendor.
5. How do I become a Virtual Vendor with PSS?
Answer: Signup on the VENDOR SIGN UP page and tell us a little about your product.
Someone from our PSS Vendor Department will contact you for further
6. What is a PopUp Shop Show?
Answer: A PopUp Shop Show is a Virtual Store and Talk Show where multi-cultural
vendors can buy and sell products from around the world.
Do you have any suggestions or questions regarding the event? Send us a message via the form below.
Thank you for getting in touch!
One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly.
Have a great day!